
  Pediatric dentistry

Children are very welcome here. Children as young as 2 years old can come with their parents for a short annual check-up. This is a fun way for children to get used to the dental practice. We can give them tips for optimal dental care or what they should pay attention to in their diet. During the annual school dental check-up, we also pay attention to the changing phase of the teeth and the development of the jaw. If necessary, an overview x-ray is taken for this purpose.

If necessary, we can seal the molars. A layer of varnish is then applied to the grooves in the teeth to make them less deep. This so-called fissure sealing makes it easier to keep the teeth clean. This reduces the likelihood of cavities forming in these grooves.

If cavities do occur, we explain the treatment and get the child used to it. If necessary, the treatment is spread over several sessions. In this way, we ensure that the therapy procedure is relaxed and the child does not develop any anxiety.

Dental examination

Dental examination

Dental hygiene and prophylaxis

Dental hygiene and prophylaxis





Crowns and bridges

Crowns and bridges

Dental implants

Dental implants

Tooth removal

Tooth removal

Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment

Guidance for dental anxiety

Guidance for dental anxiety

Aesthetic dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry

